Why I stopped #100DaysOfDesign Challenge 😔
During last month (April 2020), I started #100DaysOfDesign challenge where I was planning to work on at least some design and complete more projects in small amount of time. But from last two weeks, I have stopped this challenge. Someone might say that I am giving excuses because I was not able to maintain the challenge and yeah at some point it is true. I accept that at some point I failed to maintain this challenge but there are other reasons as well.
My Co-Op does not have proper times for each day. I mean there is specific schedule but it varies for me to start or end the job each day. After sitting on desk for 8 hours straight, I do not like to sit there more and spend another 1 or 2 hours for design and/or write a blog on this. although I have maintained around 22 to 25 days from which I have wrote blogs until the 16th day of the challenge. After that day, I stated working on Budget Tracker App (2nd version of my old Expense Tracker App project).
When I was working on Budget Tracker, I was looking on some videos in YouTube and realized that I really need my own portfolio website live as soon as possible. Because of that reason, I dropped the Budget Tracker app on index page and I started planning my website. As it was my first portfolio and I wanted it perfect, I spend more time before I started designing the website!
At this time, I also realized that I also have other things in my life that I want to do and I want to start working on them as soon as possible. I currently have Service Administrator Co-Op and it requires constant attention which makes me tired after 8 hours. Few days ago, I was having back pain also. I am not saying that I will not be designing but I do not think that I will be able to spend 1 hour on designing after such long hours of work. I wish I might be able to complete such challenge in future 😞.
Please checkout my profile to see my past blog posts on this challenge. Feel free to drop comment that what are your opinions on such challenges? And did you have to drop it because of such reasons?