Rank JavaScript Frameworks Website — Day 005 of #100DaysOfDesign
On the 5th day of my challenge, I am focusing to learn HTML5’s Drag and Drop API. I had an idea to create website where one can order different JS frameworks as they wish. This is a very simple website which focuses on one learning objective.
I started designing the website by adding some fun element in background to make it more interesting. After few google search, I ended up using JavaScript Logo.
After that, I started working on the frameworks list. I put VueJS at the top because I love its simplicity! I am not making any statement that VueJS is best, It’s just my own preference. I added light background color from each framework’s logo. This helped to bring color and charater to the website.
When I was working on about page, I found that it was not looking very interesting as it did not had any interesting elements in the page. That’s why I decided to go with a list of framework’s logo. I am planning to convert these logos into links during development process and link them to their official website.
Feel free to drop a comment if you have any feedback regarding design in Figma or below this post.
Design on Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/vec0lCMGthvdozzTPiFk8Y/005-Rank-JS-Frameworks?node-id=0%3A1
Plan for Day 006: Design mobile version of websites (from Day 001 to 006)