CSS Borders Website — Day 003 of #100DaysOfDesigning
Today, I am bit busy so I would not be able to write that much today. It also affected my design a bit. I was not able to get best out of me for the design.
Today’s idea was making a website which helps one to understand CSS border properties easily. A place where one can try changing all different border properties and can see what changes it make to the border. First I researched on several websites like w3schools and MDN for reference and got a list of properties to include in website.
Once that is done, I started designing. Design is very simple. Page starts with box which has code block inside. Just after this box, there is list of different properties where one can change different values. Hope it turns out good!
Feel free to drop your feedback on Figma file. I really appreciate it!
Here is the Design on Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/7yTlAgrKVltZJIr53hnR7K/003-Borders?node-id=3%3A0
Plan for Day 004: Screen Saver Clone Website